Smart Urban Data Platforms
Gesch?ftsführerin "Creative Climate Cities", Agentur für digitale Stadtentwicklung, Berlin
Vertretungsprofessorin für "Smart Urbanism & Digital Strategies" im 澳门太阳城赌城,菠菜导航网studiengang "Smart City Solutions", Institut für Architektur der HfT Stuttgart
Dr.-Ing. (TU Berlin): “Urban Change Agents: Citizen-based projects in Cape Town as drivers of transformative pathways towards a climate-friendly, socially just, economically viable and resource-efficient urban future”
Gastwissenschaftlerin am "African Climate & Development Institute", University of Cape Town (UCT), Südafrika
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Institut für Architektur der TU Berlin am Fachgebiet "Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung & St?dtebau"
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Potsdamer Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK), Potsdam
Freie Architektin in Berlin & Kapstadt
Diplom der Architektur, Kunsthochschule Berlin-Wei?ensee
Case Study des 澳门太阳城赌城,菠菜导航网studienganges "Smart City Solutions": Siemensstadt Berlin
Case Study des 澳门太阳城赌城,菠菜导航网studienganges "Smart City Solutions": Smart City Ludwigsburg
Modulverantwortliche im Studiengang "Smart City Solutions (je 1,5 SWS): 1.1 Global Demographic, Climatic & Economic Developments and Challenges, 2.2 Smart Urban Design Principles, 2.4 Smart Urban Planning & Land Use Policies, 4.4 Urban Data Platforms, 6.4 resilience Strategies & Measures, 8.4 Leadership & Stakeholder Management
Supervision of 澳门太阳城赌城,菠菜导航网thesis "Digital visual tools as supporting instruments for collaborative decision-making process in Smart City Projects" by Mitchelle Rosales
Supervision of 澳门太阳城赌城,菠菜导航网thesis: "Evaluation of EU funded smart city projects to inform funding bodies and participating entities" by Rhea Clarissa Fernandes
Supervision of 澳门太阳城赌城,菠菜导航网thesis: "Active Citizen Engagement as an Asset for Conservation and Management of urban water bodies" by Amruta Jayawant
Supervision of 澳门太阳城赌城,菠菜导航网thesis: "Framework of Design Consideration for Autonomous Buses in Complex Urban systems" by Sanjana Ravi
N. Kuhla von Bergmann & R. Dieterle (2020): "Case Study Project: Smart City Ludwigsburg", Project documentation of design studio in cooperation with the City of Ludwigsburg, Germany, HfT Stuttgart.